Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Course Materials

    3. Required Books and Audios

    4. Review and Respond

    5. Practical Guidelines for Studying

    6. Course Objectives

    7. Organization of the Materials in this Course

    1. Intro to the Overview

    2. Basic Components of The Yoga Tradition

    3. Overall Organization of The Yoga Tradition

    4. Invocation Before Teaching

    5. Yoga Scholar vs Yoga Practitioner by Georg Feuerstein

    6. In Praise of Study (Svâdhyâya)

    7. For Reflection

    8. For Reflection Assignment: option to complete requirements

    1. Intro to the Introduction

    2. Reaching Beyond the Ego Personality

    3. The Yoga of Science by Georg Feuerstein

    4. Technologies of East and West (YT, pp. xviii-xix)

    5. Reality and Models of Reality (YT, pp. xviii-xix)

    6. Yoga Symbolism

    7. Further Reading

    8. For Reflection

    9. The War of the Gods and Antigods

    10. Yoga and the Modern West

    11. East and West by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

    12. For Reflection

    13. For Reflection Assignment: option to complete requirements

    1. Intro to the Building Blocks

    2. Building Blocks

    3. The Essence of Yoga

    4. Dakshinamûrti-Stotra

    5. Tejo-Bindu-Upanishad

    6. Is Yoga a Religion?

    7. For Reflection

    8. What’s in a Name?—The Term Yoga

    9. Traditional Definitions of Yoga

    10. For Reflection

    11. Degrees of Self-Transcendence: The Practitioner (Yogin or Yoginî)

    12. For Reflection

    13. Guiding Light: The Teacher

    14. The Washerman and the Lion (story)

    15. Select Readings on the Guru Disciple Relationship

    16. The Guru: Dispeller of Darkness

    17. The Guru Function: Broadcasting Reality (Excerpt)

    18. True Gurus, False Gurus, Crazy Gurus (Excerpt_

    19. Eight [Verses] on the Teacher (Guru-Ashtaka)

    20. For Reflection

    21. Learning Beyond the Self: The Disciple

    22. Further Reading

    23. On Discipleship

    24. Giving Birth to a New Identity: Initiation

    25. Crazy Wisdom and Crazy Adepts

    26. Further Reading

    27. Siddha-Siddhânta-Paddhati (Selection)

    28. For Reflection

    29. Unshakeable Faith (story)

    30. For Reflection Assignment: option to complete requirements

    1. Intro to Lesson 2

    2. The Wheel of Yoga

    3. Râja-Yoga: The Resplendent Yoga of Spiritual Kings

    4. Hatha-Yoga: Cultivating an Adamantine Body

    5. Jnâna-Yoga: Seeing with the Eye of Wisdom

    6. The Tripura-Rahasya

    7. Jnâna-Yoga: The Path of Wisdom

    8. Yoga of Discernment

    9. Amrita-Bindu-Upanishad

    10. For Reflection

    11. Bhakti-Yoga: The Self-Transcending Power of Love

    12. The Depth of Bhakti

    13. Bhakti-Sûtra of Nârada

    14. Bhakti-Yoga

    15. Worship Govinda (Bhaja-Govinda)

    16. Further Reading

    17. For Reflection

    18. Karma-Yoga: Freedom in Action

    19. Further Reading

    20. For Reflection

    21. Mantra-Yoga: Sound as a Vehicle of Transcendence

    22. A World of Sound

    23. Mantra-Yoga: Sounding Out the Depth Within

    24. The Gâyatrî-Mantra

    25. The Sacred Syllable Om

    26. For Reflection

    27. Further Reading

    28. Laya-Yoga: Dissolving the Universe

    29. Further Reading

    30. For Reflection

    31. Integral Yoga: A Modern Synthesis

    32. Aurobindo’s Life and Yoga

    33. For Reflection

    34. Further Reading

    35. For Reflection Assignment: option to complete requirements

    1. Intro to Lesson 3

    2. A Bird’s-Eye View of the Cultural History of India

    3. Further Reading

    4. For Reflection

    5. The Glow of Psychic Power: Yoga and Asceticism

    6. Tapas: Creative Fire

    7. Asceticism and Gautama the Buddha

    8. Further Reading

    9. For Reflection

    10. Delight in Nothing: Yoga and the Way of Renunciation

    11. Further Reading

    12. For Reflection

    13. Yoga and Hindu Philosophy

    14. Further Reading

    15. For Reflection

    16. Pûrva-Mîmâmsâ

    17. Further Reading

    18. For Reflection

    19. Uttara-Mîmâmsâ (Vedânta = Jnâna-Yoga)

    20. Further Reading

    21. For Reflection

    22. Reflections on the One

    23. The Life of Shankara

    24. Sâmkhya

    25. Satkârya-Vâda

    26. Further Reading

    27. For Reflection

    28. Yoga

    29. Vaisheshika

    30. Nyâya

    31. Further Reading

    32. For Reflection

    33. Yoga, Âyur-Veda, and Siddha Medicine

    34. Indian Naturopathic Medicine

    35. Alchemy

    36. For Reflection

    37. Further Reading

    38. Yoga and Hindu Religion

    39. For Reflection

    40. Further Reading

    41. Questionnaire: option to submit

    42. For Reflection Assignment: option to complete requirements

About this course

  • $950.00
  • 561 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content