Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Required Books and Audios

    3. How to Study

    1. Intro to Lesson 1

    2. Good Beginnings

    3. Why is Study Important?

    4. How to Study: Some Practice Hints

    5. The Meaning of "Yoga"

    6. Yoga: A Theory and Practice Continuum

    7. Posture Practice

    8. Suggestion Yoga Practice: Corpse Pose (Śavāsana)

    9. Further Reading

    10. For Reflection

    11. Lesson 1 Quiz

    1. Intro to Lesson 2

    2. Who is Patanjali?

    3. What is a Sūtra?

    4. The Classical Commentaries

    5. A Whiff of Sanskrit

    6. Mapping the Yoga-Sūtras: Its Structure and Contents

    7. The Classical Metaphor of the Chariot

    8. Lower Mind, Higher Mind

    9. Is Wisdom the Same as Intuition?

    10. A Bird's-Eye View of the History of Yoga

    11. Hindu, Buddhist, and Jaina Yoga

    12. Yoga and Sāmkhya

    13. Yoga and Vedānta

    14. Observing the Mind

    15. The Big Controversy Over the Meaning of Nirodha

    16. Suggested Yoga Practice: Self Observation

    17. Further Reading

    18. For Reflection

    19. Lesson 2 Quiz

    1. Intro to Lesson 3

    2. What is Spirit?

    3. Inalienable Features of Purusha

    4. Purusha vs. Ātman

    5. The One and The Many by Georg Feuerstein

    6. The Lord, A Special Spirit

    7. Grace

    8. The Guru Question

    9. Om Recitation

    10. OM and AUM

    11. Further Reading

    12. Suggested Yoga Practice: Mantra-Japa

    13. For Reflection

    14. Lesson 3 Assignment (to submit)

    1. Intro to Lesson 4

    2. Everything is in Flux

    3. Holarchy: Coarse and Subtle Realms of Existence

    4. Cosmic Building Blocks: The Three Gunas

    5. The Body-Mind as a Machine

    6. Evolution/Involution

    7. What Exist Never Ceases To Be

    8. Yoga is Disunion

    9. Correlation (Samyoga) and Leibniz

    10. "Sattvification"

    11. Is the Ego Real?

    12. Further Reading

    13. Suggested Yoga Practice: Seeing Gunas Everywhere

    14. For Reflection

    15. Lesson 4 Quiz

    1. Intro to Lesson 5

    2. The Nature of Karmic Existence

    3. Living in Ignorance

    4. Karma and Reincarnation

    5. Suffering and Its Causes

    6. The Causes of Affliction

    7. From Ignorance to Ego and Its Various Expressions

    8. Desire

    9. Kriyā Yoga

    10. The Supreme Value of Dispassion

    11. Spiritual Seeking and Spiritual Materialism

    12. Probing the Unconscious Mind

    13. Seeing the Cosmos as Suffering

    14. The Elimination of Suffering

    15. Inner vs Outer Renunciation: A Lesson From the Gītā

    16. Disspelling the Darkness of Ignorance

    17. Further Reading

    18. Suggested Yoga Practice: Visualizing Light

    19. For Reflection

    20. Lesson 5 Quiz

About this course

  • $450.00
  • 288 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content